Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Proof of why we need to beat our children.

ASHEVILLE, N.C. - A 19-year-old Asheville teenager said she legally changed her name to, to protest animal dissections in schools. The Asheville Citizen-Times reported that graduate Jennifer Thornburg now wants to be called “Cutout”. The teenager said she began opposing dissections in middle school, after a class assignment to dissect a chicken wing made her uncomfortable. Ok where should I start?…how about, are you friken kidding me here! For the love of Col. Sanders what is wrong with dissecting a chicken wing? I mean you can eat it when you’re done! Roll it in some hot sauce, dip it in blue cheese and be done with it! What is this girl’s malfunction? Obviously her parents did not beat her enough. The only thing this girl is accomplishing with her “statement” is that she is a brainless tree hugging, plants have feelings, no eating anything with a face, one square of toilet paper using, bean sprout sucking, twit. As a child, when you pick your nickname it should NOT involve words such as, “cut” or “dissection”. Your occasional “booger”, “dick”, “tiny’, “slappy” or “happy” are frequently used, but “CUT” that should be the first sign of insanity and your parents should beat you and sign you up for many hours of therapy. Now what does she pose the teachers use for dissection? A bunch of Mr. Potato heads? How about you shut up, suck it up and deal with it. And your grade for this quarter is an F…..ya big dummy! Wow…..It’s been a while since my last rant…sorry! To carve...I mean save the here!


damon said...

Have we learned nothing from Prince? Now someday she'll be "The Dumass formerly known as" and that's just stupid.

Great to see you're back!!

Tys on Ice said...

:)...ever wondered about about the term humane killing of animals?...i always wondered if it really mattered to the animals, since we are gonna kill and eat it anyway....