Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Put your hands up and step away from the Knitting Needles!

BLUE ASH (Isn’t that the popular shade of hair color over the age of 70?), Ohio - An 89-year-old Ohio woman faces a charge of petty theft because neighborhood children say she refused to give back their football.
Edna Jester was placed under arrest last week and taken to the police station in the Cincinnati suburb of Blue Ash. Police say there had been an ongoing dispute over the errant football and a child's father called to report that Jester kept the ball after it landed in her yard.
Blue Ash Police Capt. James Schaffer says police warned Jester twice and finally arrested her after she refused to accept a citation. She must appear in mayor's court next month.
What the fuck has this world come to that we feel the need to ARREST an 89 yr old lady for not giving back a ball that was thrown into her yard?!
Who the hell do we have to call to make aware of this beyond fucked up situation?! First of all, I’m sure they conveniently forgot to mention the ball was thrown into her yard, no doubt landing on her rose bushes over and over again.
With each time some damn bastard brat running all over her property to retrieve it…over and over again. For the love of Danny Marino! Personally if it were me, I would have marched down to Dick’s sporting goods and purchased 20 footballs. Then I would have marched down to the local high school and paid their star quarterback $20.00 bucks to launch them (very hard) at the kids as they trespass into my yard.
This is our hard earned money raped from us, for taxes to be used for BULLSHIT things like this! Are they actually taking the time in our judicial system to hear such a case?!
Dear Christ someone needs to point out this atrocity! Back in my day, if you were stupid enough to get caught in the yard of your neighbor (unless you are mowing their lawn for a bag of pennies and a stick of juicy fruit gum) then you reap the punishment.
Which was up to the neighbor AND on top of what your mother’s going to do you when you get home. If flowers were trampled…Hell you are on your own with that one. I think those officers should be down right ashamed of themselves for arresting an old lady for keeping something that was thrown into HER property! They should be lined up and beaten by old ladies and their handbags!

To keep all the old bag's out of jail, vote here


1 comment:

Tys on Ice said...

iam shocked!

with the remants of my hairs in smoke and my skin in blisters, I think i shud comment on this

i was under the impression that trespassing is illegal in America. I mean you guys cud shoot a guy who turns up in ur yard without ur permission and its deemed well within ur right...this foot ball is a trespasser...more than that it cause tremendous damage to the old ladies rose garden patch...it deserved its due...it shud be place along side her dentures for 15 years in solitude.

way to go april...iam with u on this...