Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I'm sorry... what's in my hair?

You know what's great? After a hard day of work, to come home to, clean house, cook, take care of sick kid, listen to teenager's drama, finally crawl into sick kids bed after 4 loads of never ending laundry to rock her to sleep as she coughs and hacks on my face and life, to lean back against her bunk bed rail only to get my hair stuck in some slimy clay like substance.... I mean really?
After attempting to sneak away from sick infested child, my head yanks back like my brother pulling at my pigtails as a child! All I can do was yelp helplessly for some form of assistance.
My lovely teenager slowly responds and turns light on to reveal the horror. A clump of my very curly already knotted hair with some foreign substance unknown to mankind. Clearly from the looks of it only scissors or fire would remove such a thing.
After calming down I quietly ask in a low tremor, "what the frick loving christ is in my hair?! and get it OUT NOW" After both kids laughing hysterically, (obviously I haven't beaten them enough), I decide to yank my head free and run into bathroom to survey the damage. With it being so late, I couldn't call in reinforcements (my best friend, or any other woman). So I opted for crying and rubbing olive oil in hair furiously till substance came out in little gooey chunks......thanks brat.....LOL wow and to think it isn't even mother's day yet....
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