Thursday, June 19, 2008

Robot Lovin

A Japanese firm has produced a 15-inch tall robotic girlfriend that kisses on command (unfortunately she cannot bake cookies or do your laundry), to go on sale in September for around $175, with a target market of lonely adult men. (Momma’s boys)

Using her infrared sensors and battery power, the diminutive damsel named "EMA" puckers up for nearby human heads entering what designers call its "love mode". (Hmmm I wonder if she has the headache mode?)
"Strong, tough and battle-ready are some of the words often associated with robots, but we wanted to break that stereotype and provide a robot that's sweet and interactive"(minus PMS, she lacks the bitch mode, which reminds you she cannot possibly be real…in any way)
She's very lovable and though she's not a human, she can act like a real girlfriend." (Does that mean she can make you feel guilty which will make you hand her a wad of money to go shoe shopping with her other robot girlfriends?”)
Other features for the new robot girlfriend are:
1. Can be programmed to bitch the minute you walk through the door…about something you have forgotten to do of course. (For real authenticity)

2. A 3-button option panel for breast size. A. Jennifer Anniston boobs B. Carmen Electra boobs C. Dolly Parton boobs (most popular size)

3. Mute button (most used button)

*Company is still working on teaching the robot to walk in heels

· Disclaimer- shut her completely off while you sleep….. While testing robot she contracted a virus that manipulated her motor functions. The company’s president appreciated being chosen to be the first momma’s boy…I mean “lonely guy”, to test the robot…however, did not appreciate waking up to see that all his furniture has been rearranged and the chocolate stash annihilated…not to mention new pink frilly curtains have appeared in his bathroom.
After yelling at his new “girlfriend” he had to return her for a modification, apparently she was no longer speaking to him.

For a free trial with robot girlfriend click here


damon said...

A girlfriend with an off button.


UniqueID1135 said...


15"? that is an odd size for a doll that is clearly not meant for little girls to play with.

perhaps this is just a prototype for something a little more "mature"?