Monday, July 14, 2008

Thumper?…..more like Humper!

This summer nature decided to grace us with the realistic view of the cute, fluffy, nose twitching creature…the bunny. Yes, little bunny foofoo has been quite busy in our yard this year.
Ever so often we see an adult bunny or two hopping around our back yard. Unfortunately it’s always in the vicinity of my garden. If you know me at all I am far from having a “green thumb” and I have pretty much winged it with the whole gardening thing. I dig a hole and throw some damn seeds in it and look up to the sky and beg GOD to give me bounty.
So I get a tad bit distressed when I see Mr. Bunny foo foo hovering near on or around my garden. I guess it’s ok if they have a nibble or two, I mean how can I say no to those cute bunners with their cotton tail? Little did I know those cute bunners are not so innocent!
All of a sudden we were stepping in baby bunner nests all over the damn place. We were inundated with furry little bundles, hopefully not from the same mother…that would just be too much for any female and could not possibly be good for their..umm private area. Unfortunately though, the bunner mother seems to be retarded. She is not properly providing accurate coverage for such frail teenie weenie bundles of baby fluffers!
She is just laying them on top of the grass and putting a wad of grass over them. Unfortunately our 2 dogs are not retarded…well not when it comes to real live play things to thrash about and proudly bring into the house as to reward us for feeding and housing them. So, some bunners are not surviving, which is quite horrifying for my 2 girls and I.
The hubby thinks they resemble rats too much so he could pretty much care less. At first, my youngest daughter and I tried frantically hopping around the yard gathering up as many bunners we can pounce on with our not so cat like agility.
Even though they are tiny helpless looking creatures, as soon as you disturb a bundle of them they dart off with light speed in opposite directions of course.
At this point most our neighbors simply shrug off our random weird acts, even if we are hoping around like frantic freaks. As we fling our bodies into the air, arms outstretched to grasp those little bundles of fast fury, we gather as many as we can to save them from impending death. I yell out to my little one, “quick get them, get them all, we must save the bunnies!” We safety place them into our fenced garden, this will at least save them from the awaiting mouths of our dogs.
Well, just about every day we have had some sort of a bunny incident. For the love of Peter cotton tail! How much humping can these bunnies do!? Do they ever take a break and maybe sleep? Is it in their genetic code to spawn as many babies they can in their lifetime?
Could it be that their goal is to rule the world someday? We already had a “humper” in the oval office…didn’t work out so well. Well, now that I have implanted the thought into my mind, I am sure I will have nightmares of bunnies multiplying at seemingly impossible rates! Some more bunnies have hopped their way over to


damon said...

There are many recipes for rabbit. Check with that witch that used to chase Bugs Bunny.

Anonymous said...

April will you please stop killing all the precious little bunnies?
for the love of God and all that is cute, don't kill the cute animals only the ugly my chihuahua....please.
Love your Darling Brother

Bee said...

You are fackin' hilarious!!

"frantically hopping around the yard" I thought maybe you were showing them HOW to hop!

And "dig a hole and throw some damn seeds in it and look up to the sky and beg GOD to give me bounty." that's pretty much what I do too! ;o)

Kevin McKeever said...

screw the nests .. wait until you start walking all over piles of bunny pellets in your yard. bleech!.

Thanks for swinging by my blog. The 'fridge is always open.

The Nemesing One said...

It's you or them. I say kill'em all. Awesome blog, keep up the good work.

Alex Mcone said...

Rabbit sex. Bugs Bunny humping the girl bunny.

Oh, there's a thought.

Alex Mcone said...
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Alex Mcone said...
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Alice said...

Awww...we have the odd brown bunny in our yard, but I'd love to see some babies. But it's probably only because we don't really have stuff for them to chew on.

Anonymous said...

The 'secret ingredient' on the last Iron Chef was RABBIT! Mmmmmm.

Thanks for making it over to the Midlife Gals' new website. We're still tweaking so let me know if you find something else that doesn't work.

KK and Sal!

Tys on Ice said...

they make excellent soup....but u will feel like idi amin afterwards...if theres a jessica rabbit somewhere in ur garden, give her my fone number

robkroese said...

You're going to have to use the words "humpers" and "fluffers" a few more times to attract the really seed traffic.

Anonymous said...

We have bunnies in our yard too, but my wife thinks they're cute and loves it when our cat makes eyes with one of them. Of course, we don't have a garden. If we did, we might feel a little bit differently.